

PhpReport is an open source web application for time tracking, focused both on project control and working day management. It tries to provide useful data for workers and managers about the way time is devoted to projects.

Data model for time tracking

The core purpose of PhpReport is being able to track the time devoted to work by members of an organization, and which part of that time is devoted to every running project. The core of the time tracking revolves around these four entities:


Main entities related with time tracking

The relations stablished between them are the following:

Data model for working day management

PhpReport can calculate the number of hours users are supposed to work and track the balance of extra or undone hours. It can also take into account public holidays to do that calculation. These are the new entities introduced with this purpose:


Main entities related with working day tracking

Relations between these entities:

Data model for project cost management

PhpReport can estimate the cost, deviation, benefit and other economical data of your projects. The related entities are:


Main entities related with cost management

This is the explanation of the relations stablished between these entities:

Data model for organization structure

PhpReport structures the organization in areas, to which users and projects belong. This is a breakdown of the related entities:


Main entities related with the organization structure

Relations between these entities:

Data model for holiday management

PhpReport can also calculate the number of holiday hours corresponding to every worker according to their contract and journey conditions. Holidays are treated as tasks belonging to a specific project called "Holidays". Users taking one day of holidays should fill a task specifying that project, and with a number of hours equal to the length of their working day (which is 8 hours by default).

The entities involved in this process are:

This file is part of PhpReport 2.22-126-g762ba97a documentation. Generated on Wed 12 Jul 2023 05:04:53 PM UTC